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Health Care for the Self-Employed

Can you afford getting sick without a health insurance? Probably yes but it wont be easy. Health insurance is something everyone of us, both young and old, should have. Anything can happen and if you don't have any health insurance to help you pay off those hospital bills one day, you'll get into financial troubles. Do you have your own health insurance policy yet?

One good thing about working in a private company is the health benefits that they offer right after regularization. You get less worries since you get your health coverage through your employer but what if you're self-employed? Surely, you also have to consider getting your own insurance policy.

If you don't have one yet, consider getting a Self-Employed Health Insurance from myhealthinsurer.com. They can provide you with the most competitive health insurance plans available in New York. You might be surprised on how cheaply you can avail a health care from them plus they also have the largest selection of health plans (includes hospitalization, major medical, emergency care & prescription coverage) you can choose from. Check out their website for instant quoting process and see which one suits you. Here are the requirements to avail for Self-Employed Health Insurance:
  • You must be self employed
  • Work a minimum of 20 hours per week and earn at least minimum wage
  • Work & live in New York (depends on the insurance carrier)
Protect yourself. The last thing you want to happen is to see your income or savings jeopardized as a result of unavoidable accidents. If you're qualified, get a Self-Employed Health Insurance plan now! Check out myhealthinsurer.com for more information.
