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Why It is NOT possible

...because like many people out there, YOU are a complicated person....

I know good and bad things about you. I have been your constant companion for years and if there are few people who knows you better, I am one of them.

we jive, we laugh, we say bad things to each other without hurting one another....we're just so good being FRIENDS! and...if we'll try to go beyond that, i fear that our FRIENDSHIP, as much as I want to cherish it, may come to an end. and i don't want that to happen.

so, to make things easier and stress-free, I prefer it to be "NOT POSSIBLE"....

but if God wills it, why not?


Anonymous said…
ay! kinikilig ako lalo!
chuva-chuchu ito!
Anonymous said…
but u'll never know if it's for you if ur not going to give it a try! go ahead! take the plunge! drink nestea iced tea! =)