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How To Safely Remove Warts From Face

Finally, I was able to visit Borough clinic today to have my warts (on face) removed. Omigosh. I am so like Bakekang. Hahaha. I have plenty on my cheeks. I had them cauterized and surprisingly, it wasn't painful naman plus Dra. Heredia is very nice and accommodating. Parang kagat lang ng langgam.

I wonder what really causes warts. Doc said it's sun over-exposure, comes with aging and it may be passed from one person to another when you come into contact with the warts. It may also be possible to spread warts by using towels or other objects that a person who has warts has used. Sometimes warts will go away on their own, but it may take years for this to happen. She advised us to wear SPF moisturizer all the time.

There are several ways on how you can remove them. If you don't want them cauterized, you also can try surgical removal through laser. You may also try these methods in removing face warts:

Wart Removal #1

Apply salicylic acid to the wart. It may take several weeks to get rid of the wart. For the best results, use after you take a bath or shower. This softens the skin and allows the acid to penetrate deeper.

Wart Removal #2

Applying Liquid Nitrogen to the wart. It will freeze the wart and cause it to fall off. It will usually take about one application each week for about 3 weeks. This is usually done by a doctor.

Wart Removal #3

Duct tape covering a wart will irritate the wart and the skin around it. This will cause the body to attack the wart. Cover the wart with duct tape for up to a week. When you remove the tape, soak the wart in water, and rub it gently with a pumice stone. Leave the wart exposed overnight and reapply the tape the next morning.
