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Flat nose? Big nose? Ugly nose? Tell me, which one is yours?

Mine is big round nose. I don't know why it turned out like that when both my parents actually have pointed nose. I don't really hate it, let's just say I'm not satisfied with it. Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I would pinch my nose to make it look more pointy and slender, and you know what, it made me look prettier. LOL

Your nose gives you character. It attracts significant attention because it is the centerpiece of the face. If you think your imperfect nose is causing you troubles and it's causing you to lose your self-confidence, do something about it. Yeah, beauty is skin deep and you should focus more on improving your character/attitude but you have to accept the fact that in reality, most people still look and judge you based on your appearance. I don't see anything wrong if one wants to become pleasing and beautiful. By all means, if it makes you more productive, do whatever you can to become beautiful even if it involves cosmetic surgery.

If you're seriously considering it, make sure you consult the experts first. Talk to skilled and experienced doctors at Maryland nose sugery rhinoplasty to tell you more about the surgery procedure before doing it. Cosmetic or nasal surgery can be very complex and risky and you don't want to end up compromising your life and safety.
