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The World Has Spoken: Barrack Obama, 44th President of the United States

The world watched as history unfold. Democrat Barack Obama wins the election! He's now elected as the 44th president of the United States, opening a new chapter in the world history as the first African-American politician to be elected as the President of the world's most powerful country.

My congratulations to Obama!!! I support him all the way. I like the guy. Though he has strong views about anti-outsourcing of US jobs overseas, a cause of concern for all call center cuties like moi, I think he'll do good.

"....Unlike John McCain, I will stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas, and I will start giving them to companies that create good jobs right here in America," he has said.

Ohh Eeemm Geee!!! My career is now at risk LOL. I better be looking for a job elsewhere, in the US perhaps. With all my heart, I strongly believe that he will have an administration that will defend the oppressed, will fight for the defenseless, who'll achieve a just and fair system with good governance, and will stop doing things whose wisdom we question. I hope, with Obama's reign, the war ends soon.

"Change has come to America," the President-elect promised. "A new dawn of American leadership is at hand."
