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All about Books

I've just finished reading Colayco's WEALTH WITHIN YOUR REACH. It's a MUST BOOK for everybody and I SUPER ULTRA MEGA HIGHLY RECOMMEND it. Go get a copy, NOW! I suggest that you INVEST on it. Don't just borrow. Not that I am selfish...but, this is one of the 2 books you should NEVER depart with. Trust me on this.


L2 has a reading lounge. It's comfy and has a really inviting sofa. I can't wait to get into it. I hope to find my fave books in there --like books/magazines about BEADS.


I heard that Doulos Ship is back! {FYI, Doulos ship is a floating bookshop where you can get books you can't find here in the Phillipines + it's very very cheap}. Entrance is 10pesos.

TUE-SAT is 10AM-10PM


YEAR END SALE in BOOKSALE all over the Phillipines. If you happen to spot cheap magazines or books about BEADS, please please...I hope you buy it for me. I'll just pay you with 10% interest.


Holding ANGER is a POISON. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. BUT hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves...

~ From M. Albom's 5 People You Meet in Heaven
