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Grace Under Pressure

I love working in Production, TV/Radio, Theater and everything that relates to Audio/Visual Entertainment! I love events and events planning! Concerts. Theater plays. Shows. But I don't do front act, ok. I love just being part of the team at the BACKSTAGE. I think that's where the PRESSURE and EXCITEMENT is. The pressure to make things as organize as it can be when it can't be because things sometimes fall apart and then you try your best to make it look as though nothing unfortunate happened. You find yourself saying and doing and feeling what you shouldn't have said, done and felt. But then at the end of the day, you still smile and say to yourself, WHAT A GOOD JOB YOU'VE DONE, AFTERALL.

It's never really easy to have grace under pressure.

Ok, here comes BAND #10 asking to perform ASAP. Obviously, we cannot allow that because BANDS #1-9 are eagerly waiting for their MOMENT. However, due to CHARM and IRRESISTABILITY, Band #10 came close to first slot. You know, these BOY BANDS can be very charming and you can never say NO to a cute guy asking you out a FAVOR persistently with matching CLOSE UP SPARKLING SMILE and a pat on your shoulder. So, BAND #2, all ready to go up stage and excited, got pissed off. And then BAND #3, more pissed off...BAND #4 most pissed off...BAND # 5 got IRRITATED...BAND # 6 wanted to quit. BAND #7 quitted already. BAND #8 walked out. BAND #9 went home.

What was that??

It wasn't just 10 but 25 bands, each of them has 5 songs to perform. And I got to deal with each one of them. Haaaay. You can imagine how tired and messy I looked today. After my 11-8AM shift the other day, I only took 4 hour sleep and then went straight to the concert hall by 1 PM...pressured up 'til 11:30PM and then back to work again tonight til tomorrow morning. It's like working miraculously for more than 24 hours.

But I enjoyed it. Sooo much. Inspite of the many disputes, issues and what says who, I love being a Production staff. That's the kind of job that I wanna do. For real.


reyna elena said…
anak nang band-aid! where were all these when my beauty was on a rampage in Eastwood with nobody? ha? ha?