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2021 New Year New Beginnings

Back from where it all started! Some major changes happened in the past months and years, I'm just grateful for everything, good and not quite good.  

Here's some major updates from me, in case you wanna know what's been happening in my life.

1.  I am so glad this blog is still up. My WordPress self-hosted blog (mynosebleed.com) has now vanished from the blogosphere. I think it started when the pandemic happened, all of a sudden, I cannot access the site and can't contact the hosting company anymore. Sent them emails but did not receive any response, so I decided not to renew the domain and just let my 11yr old blog go and rest forever. Surprisingly, I am okay with it. Good thing I have saved the XML file so when everything is ready, hopefully, I can reupload it all. 

2. I just opened a new vlog, Wok With Len, hahaha. Inspired by my childhood favorite tv show, Wok With Yan hahahha ang corny. I know I should have done this ages ago and started maybe earning moolahs from it but just couldn't find the courage and time and skills to do it. I have been uploading vids on youtube since 2007 just for record-keeping and not really for entertainment, ads or otherwise. I have over 1000 uploads! Anyway, here's my first upload, do check it and subs, thanks!

3. Independent and loving everything about it. But sometimes I miss home. I wish I am back home in the barrio with my parents, my siblings (and their partners) and my pamangkins. 

4. Just like everyone else, I am now studying to be a Plantita major in Terrace Gardening.  

5. Lost 6pound since last year hahaha please I want to celebrate this tiny victory! I've been trying to eat less rice and practicing intermittent fasting since July last year. Hopefully I can go full blast on keto diet too, I just need to have an air fryer first and some glass containers for my meal prep. 

6. Committed to my Bullet Journal or Bujo. Thanks Ruthie and Mimi.  Committed to declutter my closet. 

7. Happy with Vast. This year, the ultimate goal is to really work smart and work hard and make my dreams a reality. Live my life with G R I T.

8.  Moved back to my dear beloved hometown, Valenzuela City!

9. You need money to make money. Launching my new business venture soon. Can't wait!

10. Lastly, happy and chill love story. 
I have very high hopes for 2021 despite the pandemic going on. 

See you on my next blog! Hopefully it wont take years before the next blog update hahaha. Ciao for now!
