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Showing posts from November, 2003


i joined flork today! whatelse? ahmmmm......nothing! janice is on her terminal leave starting today what else? nothing more need to go home bye

My sister, MAUI

DOMz caught me browsing my geocities. She told Aya i was sarcastic when she asked me to close it. Was I? Anyways, what else happened today? Oh, I saw Dao Ming Si on tv last night. He was really charming! His tarpauline poster along Edsa (in front of SM) looks like my friend in Doulos. Ma…

Outdoor trip to Mt. Tarak

Forgot to log what happened yesterday..... amy bought a keyboard worth 15,000++......i like to buy one too...it's beautiful rochele treated us brunch at KFC....what else happened? Oh....i never look at SKANK anymore as for today.....i knew it...either amy will be late or absent.......…


I hope mother and Maui can come with Topel this November......I miss them terribly. Especially Maui. ( Maui is my baby sister and she's a year and a half only) They say we look so much alike. Well, Uncle is going abroad this afternoon. I forgot to blog about our trip to Intramuros....…


I watched this program earlier on TV. I was really touched. I couldn't help myself. I was crying along with Bernadette Sembrano . The story pierced my heart. I forgot the name of the sender who was suffering bone cancer and before God takes her life, she wishes to see her family...her…