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it will be 3 years this year. and i still (absolutely) love my job. i have been tempted many times to resign and get a better job with better pay but something's stopping me from doing it.

I LOVE MY JOB FOR MANY REASONS. FIRST BECAUSE IT PAYS ME MONEY SO I CAN TAKE CARE OF my brother's tuition and myself. i get to buy things i want every 25th and 10th. The next best thing about my job are the great benefits like Christmas bonus, midyear bonus, HEALTH INSURANCE and performance incentives.

Most of my co-workers are very nice and friendly. Ruthie, my super buddy for almost 10 years now, is still my constant seatmate and chikadora friend. i super love her. there's aimz, who never ceases to amuse me with her stories. i also super love her.WE ALL WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE each of our lives a VERY PLEASANT EXPERIENCE. It's like OUR GOAL is to have GREAT FUN, FOOD, ENTERTAIMENT AND EXPERIENCE AS WELL. I also have my L2SMOC group...my mountaineering buddies who taught me to appreciate God's wonderful creation. who taught me what PERSEVERANCE is, and what it feels to be there on top...reaching the sky.
