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What do stars do?

They shine.

I am so busy blogging that I have no time for other things - like watching DVDs, going to FF, draw up a consignment contract with A'Sady for BOBSON (hopefully). I'm really excited for this. They're in need of suppliers for different accessories daw. Hay Lord, I pray for more blessings in 2008. Help me manage my time and finances and resources. Allow me to shine brightly so that people can see better thru me. What does stars does best? They SHINE!!!

I love love this film!

The movie is about a young man who goes in search for a fallen star to impress the woman of his dreams by venturing into the magical realm. An imaginative fairy tale full of witches, princes, and magic spells, not to mention a happily-ever-after ending. I watched it last night with my siblings and we enjoyed it. Charming. The kind of movie I would watch 2x in one sitting. The film is based on Neil Gaiman's best selling graphic novel of the same title "STARDUST".

May not be your type but I'm such a sucker for happily-ever-after-feel-good movies so I'd recommend it you all. I love it especially the part when YVAINE (the fallen star) shines bright when she gets happy.

Let's all shine!


myles said…
happy new year to you and to your family malensky! sana mameet ko na si inday! kamukha siya ni mikee cojuanco promise! luvyah!