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Better care for everyone

Life is indeed short. Sooner or later, you're going to need to care for yourself or someone you love.

I grew up in a very close family where taking care of the aging parents and grandparents are such a big thing. Part of the culture, I guess. Some few years ago, we had to take care of Amah (Chinese term for grandma) after she had an operation. She was doing her usual morning walk when she tripped off the ladder and broke her pelvic bones and got bed ridden for 5 years. We actually hired a PT (Physical Therapist) for her but that wasn't enough. You can imagine how hard it was to give her a bath, which we do everyday - 4 of us (cousins, sibling, PT) had to carry her from her room all the way to the bathroom. We also had to cook separate meal for her. It's just such a tremendous work but I'm not complaining about it. Not at all, of course. I am happy that I've taken the time to be with her during the final moments of her life. I miss her, in fact. Good thing, we were all students then so we had a lot of extra time to care for her. But things changed. If it happens now, we probably wont even have any time at all to see Amah. We've become so occupied with a lot of things, we only spend time together during holidays. I myself don't even get to talk that long with my parents, Aunts and grandma anymore. My siblings and I have plans of going abroad too so if this happen, no one's gonna be left to take care of my beloved parents. I might consider looking for care homes in the future. If you're considering that option too, you may check out Bettercaring. They offer dedicated service for anyone who needs the right kind of care and attention. They can also look at the care options that are available to you locally, as well as search for care homes. You can also read daily care news and receive tips from care experts on their website.
